How to structure, define and reuse Laravel routes with PHP objects

I find routing in Laravel wonderful: it's easy to understand, structured yet highly configurable and flexible, and overall a pretty solid (pun intended) set of features. My only gripe with it is when it comes to defining and generating/using your actual routes. Not sure about you, but I'm definitely tired of writing route('') over and over again.

At the time of writing, the route() helper only accepts a string for your desired route, which means you're stuck with using hard coded strings for your route URLs and names. Or maybe, there just aren't any clear alternative options. Let's explore that in this article.

Since software development is all about solving problems, let's start with a real-life example:

# The problem

Let's imagine we have a big brand, with lots of informational pages. Our brand also holds a presence on Facebook. Our pages may have any layout we can imagine, but one requirement is certain - we'll have navigation and a footer. We want to display URLs to our Facebook page in both of those sections.

This means, that we have the same URL/route being used in (at least) two different places - one in the navigation and one in the footer. Depending on the content and implementation, there might be even more.

We've gone ahead and defined these external routes, in a separate route file. If you'd like to learn about this in more detail - check out this article. A simple setup might look something like this:

The routes definition (routes/external.php for example):


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::name('facebook.')->domain('')->group(function () {

Let's identify what we've got here: we have a named group, consisting of a domain with two routes.

Now, all need to do is reference this route in our "navigation" and "footer" blade files. Just type in route('facebook.about') once, then... type in route('facebook.about') the second time... and... aaand we're duplicating ourselves. What happens when the application scales, and we need to reference visitors to our FB page over, and over again? Or need to scatter "contact us" links around some articles?

Not to mention, unless you're using special (and sometimes paid) plugins, your IDE doesn't autocomplete this for you. And you definitely don't remember all of your route names, which means you'll go over to your routes file, search for your route, copy its name (or rather construct it since it is nested within three named groups), go back to your original file and paste it in. Loads of fun.

Oh, you remember the name by heart, I hear you say? I'm sure every single one of us has acquainted ourselves with the occasional typo. Don't want that, no, thank you.

And to top it all off - just imagine how many hard coded strings you'll have to change, once you eventually refactor your route definitions. That would be a poor excuse, to not change your route group's name to something more descriptive down the road.

So, what do we do?! Well, we could potentially use class constants to store our route names. That could work, yes - we have a single defined string, which we're free to modify and our IDE autocompletes, so we avoid typos. We can also easily find usages of the route! But take a look at our route definition example once again. We have nested our routes in groups.

If we want to use class constants, we're forced to ditch this feature and define the full name for every route definition, for example ->name(group.domain.resource.list), ->name( etc. If we want to keep the feature, then we have to define route name prefixes in our class constants, which I wouldn't really call "elegant". Take a look:


namespace App\Routing\Routes;

class FbRoutes
    // if we're not using constants, then we're duplicating the strings
    public const GROUP_NAME_FB = 'facebook.';
    // ... maybe more groups here ...
    public const NAME_REVIEWS = 'reviews';
    public const NAME_ABOUT = 'about';
    public const FULL_NAME_REVIEWS = self::GROUP_NAME_FB . self::FULL_NAME_REVIEWS;
    public const FULL_NAME_ABOUT = self::GROUP_NAME_FB . self::NAME_ABOUT;

Seems like this would be difficult to organize. Think how your route definition would look like 🤔.

Okay, so class constants are definitely a no-go. Alright, enough teasing. Seems like we could overcome all of these issues by using something OOP languages do best - objects! Here's what I've found works rather well:

# The solution

Currently, I've got two solutions which are very similar in terms of results. Both of them have a similar structure and use case. Yet both of them come with pros and cons at the moment of writing. The first uses classes and requires more boilerplate but is easier to reference. The other uses PHP 8.1 Enumerations - there's significantly less boilerplate but has a caveat when it comes to referencing them. I think that both of these are great approaches, so let's hit it off with classes:

# Class approach

Basically, all we need is a class with some static methods, which abstract all of this string concatenation logic. A similar approach can be found with the Feature ... erm feature... in Laravel Jetstream (opens new window). For example, a method call to Feature::teams() just returns the name string of the feature: 'teams'. This means that we can define simple static methods, and call a bunch of logic within them to construct our route names however we please: a full name, only the name within the group, or even a URI. It may look something like:


namespace App\Routing\Routes;

class FbRoutes
    public const GROUP_NAME = 'facebook.';
    public const NAME_REVIEWS = 'reviews';
    public const NAME_ABOUT = 'about';
    public function __construct(private string $routeName)
    public static function reviews(): self
        return new self(self::NAME_REVIEWS);
    public static function about(): self
        return new self(self::NAME_ABOUT);
    public function name(): string
        return $this->routeName;
    public function fullName(): string
        return self::GROUP_NAME . $this->routeName;
    public function path(): string
        $paths = [
            self::NAME_REVIEWS => '/AcmeCorp/reviews',
            self::NAME_ABOUT => '/AcmeCorp/about',
        return $paths[$this->routeName];
    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->fullName();

Here's how you can define your routes:


use App\Routing\Routes\JobRoutes;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::name(FbRoutes::GROUP_NAME)->group(function () {

Thanks to the __toString() method, you may now generate your routes with a simple method call like route(FbRoutes::about()). Neat, this checks all the boxes:

  • No more hard coded strings, so our code is DRY and free of typos
  • Our code is easy to modify without refactoring a bunch of files
  • We get autocompletion from the IDE
  • The code definition for a class with methods has much less cognitive complexity.

The definition, however, is still rather extensive: it takes at least 4 lines to define a new route (5 if you include the constant), and there's comparatively a lot of "logic" for the boilerplate. We can make this better!

# Enums

With the release of PHP 8.1, we can simplify the above by using Enums. Here's why I like them a bit more for this use case:

  • They're just objects - this means they can have properties, methods and implement interfaces
  • They are instanced with a static call, similar to class constants. Sexy! 😏
  • Thanks to this instancing, we have less boilerplate with the same amount of IDE support (no magic __callStatic() methods, etc.)

Here's the same approach with (backed) Enums:


namespace App\Routing\Routes;

enum FbRoutes: string
    public const GROUP_NAME = 'facebook.';
    case REVIEWS = 'reviews';
    case ABOUT = 'about';
    public function name(): string
        return $this->value;
    public function fullName(): string
        return self::GROUP_NAME . $this->name();
    public function path(): string
        return match($this) {
            self::REVIEWS => '/AcmeCorp/reviews',
            self::ABOUT => '/AcmeCorp/about',

You define the routes similar to classes:


use App\Routing\Routes\JobRoutes;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::name(FbRoutes::GROUP_NAME)->group(function () {

Unfortunately, because enums don't support the __toString() method, we must generate our routes with an additional method call to the Enum: route(FbRoutes::ABOUT->fullName()). Personally, I think this is the only downfall of the Enum approach, compared to the Class one. It's also a major bummer for me 😞

However, this inconvenience can be somewhat mitigated. By changing our helper to generate routes, we may call the ->fullName() method internally and call it a day! All we need is an interface to enforce the method and typehint in the helper function. Here's where I've faced the biggest limitation - we can not alter the route() function provided by Laravel. This means we'd have to define a new helper function. To put it lightly - it's unconventional and therefore probably not worth it for me personally.

# In conclusion & TLDR

By now, I'm sure we're on the same page, why using hard coded strings for your route names isn't desirable. You could also probably agree, that using simple class constants is neither "elegant" nor "flexible". I'd say it's even messier than hard coded strings, in a way.

That's why you can leverage objects when it comes to managing your route names. Whether it's Classes or Enums, the benefits are the same:

  • No hard coded strings, our code is DRY and free of typos
  • Code is SOLID - we only change a single class instead of many files
  • We get full IDE support

Just make sure to weigh your options between boilerplate and ease of use between the two approaches. Personally, I favor Enums and can only hope for better support for them in the future.

Thanks for taking your time, I hope you've got some value from my post ✌️